
        在林肯大学的博客网络上看到 Julian Beckton 发表的一篇博客文章,这篇文章一开始,作者就声明,这个数据并不是她自己的,而是别人的,她还给出了地址。其中,有2个数据非常有意思。



          最后,Julian 评论说:

          I was quite surprised that relatively few institutions were planning a change, most preferring to upgrade their existing VLE. There are significantly new versions of both Blackboard and Moodle this year, so this would appear to have been a good opportunity to change, but most seem to have contented themselves with upgrading what they already have. (Also, the phrase “doing nothing” in the chart legend is a bit misleading, since many of the Blackboard users upgraded last year.) Of course, it may be that institutions are contractually tied to Blackboard, which is preventing them from changing until the contract expires. It would  be interesting to repeat this exercise over the next couple of years and see if there are any changes to this pattern.


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