先说第一个,Worldwide Library 2.011 Conference,会议时间是2011年11月2-3日。会议是在线的,任何人都可以免费参加。征稿函可以从这里看到:http://www.library20.com/pages/call-for-proposals。
STRAND 1: “Libraries” – The Roles of Libraries in Today’s World
Strand Tag: “2.011Libraries”
Link to Proposals
Example Topics:
Libraries as community centers
Libraries as learning commons
Serving distributed and distance users
The library as a space versus the library as a service
Library privatization issues
STRAND 2: “Librarians & Information Professionals” – Evolving Professional Roles in Today’s World
Strand Tag: “2.011Librarians”
Example Topics:
Librarians as Leaders
Library and Information Professional Careers in a Networked and Changing World
Embedded librarians
Applying library and information science skills in a variety of venues
Advocacy and building influence (professionally and institutionally)
STRAND 3: “Information Organization”
Strand Tag: “2.011Information”
Example Topics:
Social organization of information
Subject gateways, online catalogs, and portals
Metadata: creation, storage, management, dissemination, harvesting and aggregating
Library automation / management software / integrated library systems
STRAND 4: “Access & Delivery”
Strand Tag: “2.011AccessDelivery”
Example Topics:
Digital media and the e-book revolution
Social networking use (social networking media for outreach and service promotion, location-based mobile social networks, etc.)
Emerging technology use (augmented reality, QR codes, mobile apps and delivery, etc.)
The changing roles of publishers
Working with vendors in the digital age
Conflicts between privacy and freedom of speech in a hyperlinked world
Measuring and assessing: determining the effectiveness of access and service delivery
STRAND 5: “Learning” – Digital Age Learning Cultures
Strand Tag: “2.011Learning”
Example Topics:
New learning models and the role of the librarian and information professional
The growth of individualized and self-paced learning
Multiliteracies : digital literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, information literacy
STRAND 6: “Content & Creation” – Changes in Accessing and Organizing Information
Strand Tag: “2.011ContentCreation”
Example Topics:
From Information Consumption to Co-creation and Production
Digital copyright and licensing
Open educational resources
Open Source Software
Multimedia creation and gaming spaces
第二个会议将于2011年11月28日到12月2日在泰国清迈举行,会议是The 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2011)的研讨会(ICCE 2011 Workshop On “Real Education in Virtual Worlds”)。
Scope of interests includes, but not limited to:
– Theories behind learning and teaching in Virtual Worlds
– New features and capabilities scheduled for Virtual Worlds by the Immersive Education Initiative
– Virtual Worlds pedagogy and learning design
– Constructions of Virtual Worlds learning infrastructure
– Socio-cultural perspectives and implications of education in Virtual Worlds
– Teachers’ professional development for translation and scaling up of Virtual Worlds educational models
– An overview of Immersive Education’s K-12 program for Virtual Worlds users
– Virtual Worlds environments for self-directed, collaborative and socio-constructivist learning
– Virtual Worlds communities for users, builders, developers and administrators
– Virtual Worlds environments on special learning domains (e.g., foreign language learning, science education, social science study)
– Virtual worlds in open, distance and flexible learning contexts
– Virtual worlds and competency-based training
– Assessment and evaluation of learning in virtual worlds
– Virtual worlds in informal learning (e.g., libraries, academic support services, student societies/guilds, careers, alumni, marketing and recruitment)