eSchools News2010年10大新闻

       Johnnie题注:12月25日,Johnnie在博客中提到了2010岁末盘点:年度新闻故事。8日,便看到了网友张浩发表的一篇博客文章,题目叫《eSchools News 2010年10大最受关注的教育技术新闻报道》。文章中不仅介绍了这10项最后关注的教育技术新闻报道,而且在后面进行了简单的点评,还给出了英文。这里转载跟各位朋友分享。转载未经张浩许可,特别鸣谢!

eSchools News 2010年10大最受关注的教育技术新闻报道

     1.  一种可以把墙当交互式白板(IWB)的新型投影仪

     Epson Electronics’ BrightLink 450Wi;Epson 3LCD technology and 2,500 lumens  images can be anywhere from 59 inches to 96 inches diagonally with WXGA resolution, or from 55 inches to 85 inches with XGA resolution

     2.  一对一计算项目需要得到教师支持


     3.  四个学校没教但学生应该知道的常识


     4.  未来的电子阅读未必使用ipad,但会是Blio

     免费的电子阅读软件,可以跨平台使用,多家大型出版机构支持(Baker & Taylor,, Elsevier, Hachette, HarperCollins, Random House, Penguin, Simon & Schuster, and Wiley)由Ray Kurzweil出品,支持跨平台阅读,支持的电子书格式包括XPS、PDF、EPUB。图书馆模式,可提供教科书租借,各种在线学习工具,可语音朗读、笔记标注等。。



     6.  如何消除欺凌和网络欺凌


     7.  对学习风格研究的质疑

     8.  开发者寻求将iPad与教育相结合

     9.  六个很快影响到教育的技术

     Horizon Report2010 K12版中提到的最远将在2、3年内影响到教育的六个技术:云计算、协作学习环境、基于游戏的学习、移动设备、增强现实、灵活显示(flexible displays)






     网络欺凌、网络伦理、学习风格、iGeneration、视野报告(horizon report)

     苹果产品:这十篇报道中有四篇跟苹果的产品有关,两篇的标题直接提到ipad(不买真是不行了,当下便去办了吧)。90后的美国孩子有一个专属名词,苹果一代。六个将要影响到教育的技术中移动设备也是一个。开发者们开始关注将iPad和教育结合,很多应用程序已经可以免费或付费的在app store里面下载。对苹果一代该怎么用适合他们特点的方式教育?




     The most popular ed-tech stories of 2010

     Later this month, we’ll count down the 10 most significant educational technology stories of 2010, as chosen by our editors. But first, here are the ed-tech stories that you—our readers—deemed most noteworthy in the past year, as judged by the number of page views they received:

     10. Author: ‘iGeneration’ requires a different approach to instruction

     Today’s middle and high school students learn much differently from students just a few years older—and that’s mainly because they’ve never known a world without the internet or cell phones, says psychology professor and author Larry D. Rosen, whose research could give educators valuable insights into the needs of today’s learners…

     9. Six technologies soon to affect education

     Cloud computing and collaborative learning environments are set to take hold in K-12 schools in the very near future, with mobile devices, game-based learning, and other education technologies to follow suit in the next few years, according to the 2010 Horizon Report’s K-12 Edition, released by the New Media Consortium…

     8. Developers seek to link iPad with education

     Technology experts say Apple’s latest gizmo, the iPad, won’t replace students’ laptops, but a menu of applications could help teach the periodic table, a range of languages, and a host of other K-12 and higher-education subjects…

     7. Study questions learning-style research

     As educators struggle to define effective 21st-century instruction, one practice that many have viewed as fundamental to teaching and learning has come under new fire: catering to different learning styles…

     6. Reducing bullying and cyber bullying

     As in many states, K-12 teachers in Massachusetts have new responsibilities to respond to, report, and address bullying and cyber bullying. Here at the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC), we’ve developed 10 tips to help faculty cope with what can seem an overwhelming task…

     5. Will $99 Moby tablet swim or sink?

     In a development that it claims will be a game-changer in education, technology company Marvell has announced the prototype of a $99 tablet computer that students can use to surf the web, interact with electronic textbooks and otherdigital media, and collaborate with each other around the globe…

     4. Future of eReading might not be iPad, but Blio

     Despite all the buzz about Apple’s iPad tablet and how it could be useful for reading electronic textbooks, a new software program on the way might hold even more promise for education…

     3. Four things every student should learn … but not every school is teaching

     An awareness of the views of those in other countries, an understanding of how Google ranks the results of a web search, a knowledge of the permanence of information posted online: These are some of the lessons that every student should be learning in today’s schools, says education technology consultant Alan November—but not every middle or high school is teaching these lessons…

     2. One-to-one computing programs only as effective as their teachers

     A compilation of four new studies of one-to-one computing projects in K-12 schools identifies several factors that are key to the projects’ success, including adequate planning, stakeholder buy-in, and strong school or district leadership. Not surprisingly, the researchers say the most important factor of all is the teaching practices of instructors—suggesting school laptop programs are only as effective as the teachers who apply them…

     1. New projectors make any wall an interactive whiteboard

     In a move that could shake up the interactive whiteboard (IWB) market, projector manufacturers have released new products that can turn virtually any surface into an IWB. The development means schools no longer have to buy separate hardware to enjoy the benefits of IWBs, whose interactive surface and ability to engage students have made them quite popular in classrooms…

4 评论

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