Bibliography of Research on Twitter & Microblogging
Alfred Hermida. (2010). Twittering the News: The Emergence of Ambient Journalism.
Journalism Practice
, 4 (3), 297 – 308. (journal article) -
Alfred Hermida. (2010). From TV to Twitter: How Ambient News Became Ambient Journalism
M/C Journal
, 13 (2), NA. (journal article) -
Antenos-Conforti, Enza. (2009). Microblogging on Twitter: Social Networking in Intermediate Italian Classes.
In Lara Lomicka and Gillian Lord (Eds.), The Next Generation: Social Networking and Online Collaboration in Foreign Language Learning
. (pp. 59-90). Calico Monograph Series, No. 9. (book chapter) -
Böhringer, Martin. (2009). Really Social Syndication: A Conceptual View on Microblogginging
(techreport) -
Böhringer, Martin, and Richter, Alexander. (2009). Adopting Social Software to the Intranet: A Case Study on Enterprise Microblogging
Proceedings of the 9th Mensch & Computer Conference
. (pp. 293-302).Berlin September 6-9. (conference paper) -
Barnes, Stuart J., Böhringer, Martin, Kurze, Christian, and Stietzel, Jacqueline. (2010). Towards an understanding of social software: the case of Arinia.
Proceedings of HICSS-43
.Kauai, HI January 5-8. (conference paper) -
Barnes, Stuart J., and Böhringer, Martin. (2009). Continuance Usage Intention in Microblogging Services: The Case of Twitter (Konferenzbeitrag)
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
.Verona, Italy June 8-10. (conference paper) -
boyd, danah, Golder, Scott, and Lotan, Gilad. (2010). Tweet Tweet Retweet: Conversational Aspects of Retweeting on Twitter
Proceedings of HICSS-43
.Kauai, HI January 5-8. (conference paper) -
Chen, Jilin, Nairn, Rowan, Nelson, Les, Bernstein, Michael, and Chi, Ed H.. (2010). Short and Tweet: Experiments on Recommending Content from Information Streams
Proceedings of CHI
. (conference paper) -
Cheong, Mark, and Lee, Vincent. (2009). Integrating web-based intelligence retrieval and decision-making from the twitter trends knowledge base
Proceeding of the 2nd ACM workshop on Social web search and mining
. (pp. 1-8). (conference paper) -
Crawford, Kate. (2009). These Foolish Things: On Intimacy and Insignificance in Mobile Media.
In Goggin, Gerard and Hjorth, Larissa (Eds.), Mobile Technologies: From Telecommunications to Media
. (book chapter) -
Crawford, Kate. (2009). Following you: Disciplines of listening in social media.
Journal of Media & Culture Studies
, 23 (4), 525-535. (journal article) -
Devin Gaffney. (2010). #iranElection: quantifying online activism
Proceedings of the WebSci10
.Raleigh, NC April 26-27th. -
Diakopoulos, N. A., and Shamma, D. A.. (2010). Characterizing Debate Performance via Aggregated Twitter Sentiment
CHI 2010
.Atlanta, Georgia -
Du, Hongly, Rosson, Mary Beth, Carroll, John M., and Ganoe, Craig. (2009). I felt like a contributing member of the class: increasing class participation with classcommons
Proceedings of the ACM 2009 international conference on Supporting group work
. (pp. 232-242). (conference paper) -
Dunlap, J.C., and Lowenthal, P. R.. (2009). Horton Hears a Tweet
EDUCAUSE Quarterly
, 32(4). (journal article) -
Dunlap, J.C., and Lowenthal, P.R.. (). Tweeting the Night Away: Using Twitter to Enhance Social Presence
Journal of Information Systems Education
, 20 (2). (journal article) -
Ebner, Martin, and Schiefner, Mandy. (2008). Microblogging – more than fun?
In ArnedilloSánchez, Inmaculada and Isaías, Pedro (Eds.), Proceedings of IADIS Mobile Learning Conference 2008
. (pp. 155 – 159).Algarve, Portugal (conference paper) -
Ehrlich, K., and Shami, N.S.. (2010). Microblogging inside and outside the workplace
In Proceedings of the 4th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
. (ICWSM 2010), AAAI Publications. (conference paper) -
Gayo-Avello, Daniel. (2010). Nepotistic Relationships in Twitter and their Impact on Rank Prestige Algorithms
(journal article) -
Gilpin, Dawn R.. (Forthcoming). Working the Twittersphere: How Public Relations Practitioners Use Microblogging for Professional Identity Construction.
In Papacharissi, Zizi (Eds.), The Networked Self
. (book chapter) -
Haewoon, Kwak, Changhyun, Lee, Park, Hosung, and Moon, Sue. (2010). What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media?
19th International World Wide Web (WWW) Conference
.Raleigh, North Carolina April. -
Herwig, Jana. (2009). Liminality and Communitas in Social Media: The Case of Twitter
Internet: Critical. Internet Research 10.0
.Milwaukee October 7-10. (conference paper) -
Heverin, Thomas, and Zach, Lisl. (2010). Microblogging
for Crisis Communication: Examination of Twitter Use in Response to a
2009 Violent Crisis in Seattle-Tacoma, Washington Area
Proceedings of the 2010 ISCRAM Conference
.Seattle, Washington -
Honeycutt, C., and Herring, Susan C.. (2009). Beyond microblogging: Conversation and collaboration via Twitter
Proceedings of the Forty-Second Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
.Los Alamitos, CA IEEE Press. (conference paper) -
Huberman, Bernardo A., Romero, Daniel M., and Wu, Fang. (2008). Social Networks that Matter: Twitter Under the Microscope
(techreport) -
Huberman, Bernardo, Romero, Daniel, and Wu, Fang. (2009). Social networks that matter: Twitter under the microscope
First Monday
, 14 (1). (journal article) -
Hughes, Amanda lee, and Palen, Leysia. (2009). Twitter Adoption and Use in Mass Convergence and Emergency Events
Proceedings of the 2009 ISCRAM Conference
. (conference paper) -
Jansen, Bernard, Zhang, Mimi, Sobel, Kate, and Chowdury, Abdur. (2009). Twitter Power: Tweets as Electronic Word of Mouth
Journal of ASIS&T
, 60(9), 1-20. (journal article) -
Java, Akshay, Song, Xiaodan, Finin, Tim, and Tseng, Belle. (2007). Why We Twitter: Understanding the Microblogging Effect in User Intentions and Communities
.San Jose, CA August 12-15. (conference paper) -
Johnson, Philip R., and Yang, Sung-Un. (2009). Uses and Gratifications of Twitter: An Examination of User Motives and Satisfaction of Twitter Use
(techreport) -
Justin W. Owens, Kelsi Lenz, and Stephanie Speagle. (2009). Trick or Tweet: How Usable is Twitter for First-Time Users?
The source of this article is Usability News, a Wichita State
University newsletter produced by their Software Usability Research
Laboratory (SURL). While the study is smale in scale, the research
methodology appears sound.
(misc) -
Keim, Nina, and Clark, Jessica. (2009). Public Media 2.0 Field Report: Building Social Media Infrastructure to Engage Publics
(techreport) -
Kim, Dongwoo, Jo, Yohan, Moon, Il-Chul, and Oh, Alice. (2010). Analysis of Twitter Lists as a Potential Source for Discovering Latent Characteristics of Users
Workshop on Microblogging at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems. (CHI 2010)
. (conference paper) -
Krishnamurthy, Balachander, Gill, Phillipa, and Arlitt, Martin. (2008). A few chirps about Twitter
Proceedings of the first workshop on Online social networks
. (pp. 19-24). (conference paper) -
Kwak, Haewoon, Lee, Changhyun, Park, Hosung, and Moon, Sue. (2010). What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media?
The 19th World-Wide Web (WWW) Conference
.Raleigh, North Carolina (conference paper) -
Lenhart, Amanda, and Fox, Susannah. (2009). Twitter and status updating
(techreport) -
Lerman, K., and Ghosh, R.. (2010). Information contagion: an empirical study of the spread of news on digg and twitter social networks
In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM)
. (conference paper) -
Letierce, Julie, Passant, Alexandre, Breslin, John, and Decker, Stefan. (2010). Understanding how Twitter is used to widely spread Scientific Messages.
In Proceedings of the WebSci10: Extending the Frontiers of Society On-Line
. (conference paper) -
Makice, Kevin. (2009). Phatics and the design of community.
Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems
. (pp. 3133-3136). (conference paper) -
Marwick, Alice, and boyd, danah. (Forthcoming). To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter.
. (journal article) -
Marwick, Alice, and boyd, danah. (Forthcoming). I Tweet Honestly, I Tweet Passionately: Twitter Users, Context Collapse, and the Imagined Audience.
New Media and Society
. (journal article) -
McNely, B.. (2009). Backchannel persistence and collaborative meaning-making
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication
. (pp. 297-303).Bloomington, IN Oct. 5-7. ACM. (conference paper) -
Miller, Vincent. (2008). New Media, Networking, and Phatic Culture.
, 14(4), 387 – 400. (journal article) -
Mishaud, Edward. (2007). Twitter: Expressions of the Whole Self
Department of Media and Communications (mastersthesis) -
Morris, Meredith Ringel, Teevan, Jaime, and Panovich, Katrina. (2010). What Do People Ask Their Social Networks, and Why? A Survey Study of Status Message & Behavior
In Proceedings of CHI 2010
. (conference paper) -
Muntean, Nick, and Peterson, Anne Helen. (2009). Celebrity Twitter: Strategies of Intrusion and Disclosure in the Age of Technoculture
M/C Journal
, 12 (5). (journal article) -
Murphy, Joe. (2008). Better Practices From the Field: Micro-Blogging for Science & Technology Libraries
(techreport) -
Naaman, Mor, Boase, Jeffery, and Lai, Chih-Hui. (2010). Is it Really About Me? Message Content in Social Awareness Streams
Proceedings of CSCW-2010
.Savannah Georgia February 6-10. (conference paper) -
Nagarajan, Meenakshi, Gomadam, Karthik, Sheth, Amit, Mutharaju, Raghava, and Jadhav, Ashutosh. (2009). Spatio-Temporal-Thematic Analysis of Citizen-Sensor Data – Challenges and Experiences
Tenth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering
. (conference paper) -
Noah Arceneaux, and Amy Schmitz Weiss. (2010). Seems Stupid Until You Try It: Press Coverage of Twitter, 2006-9
New Media and Society
, . (journal article) -
O’Connor, Brendan, Balasubramanyan, Ramnath, Routledge, Bryan R., and Smith, Noah. (2010). From Tweets to Polls: Linking Text Sentiment to Public Opinion Time Series
In Proceedings of ICWSM
. (conference paper) -
Oulasvirta, Antti, Lehtonen, Esko, Kurvinen, Esko, and Raento, Mika. (2009). Making the ordinary visible in microblogs
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
. Online first. Special issue on Social Interaction and Mundane Technologies (journal article) -
Passant, Alexandre, Hastrup, Tuukka, Bojars, Uldis, and Breslin, John. (2009). Microblogging: A Semantic Web and Distributed Approach
Proceedings of the the 4th Workshop Scripting For the Semantic Web (SFSW2008) co-located with ESWC2008
. (conference paper) -
Sarma, Anish Das, Sarma, Atish Das, Panigrahy, Rina, and Gollapudi, Sreenivas. (2009). Ranking Mechanisms in Twitter-like Forums
(techreport) -
Shamma, D.A., Kennedy, L., and Churchill, E.F.. (2010). Tweetgeist: Can the Twitter Timeline Reveal the Structure of Broadcast Events?
CSCW 2010
. -
Shamma, David A., Kennedy, Lyndon, and Churchil, Elizabeth F.. (2009). Tweet the Debates: Understanding Community Annotation of Uncollected Sources
ACM Multimedia
.Beijing, China (conference paper) -
Stankovic, M.. (2009). Faceted Online Presence – A Semantic Web Approach
(mastersthesis) -
Stankovic, M., Passant, A, and Laublet, P.. (2009). Directing Status Messages to their Audiences in Online Communities
Pre-proceedings of Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms Workshop
.Torino, Italy September 7-11. (conference paper) -
Stankovic, Milan, Passant, Alexandre, and Laublet, Philippe. (2009). Status Messages for the Right Audience with an Ontology-Based Approach
The First International Workshop On Collaborative Social Networks – CollaborateSN
.Washington, D.C. November 11th. (conference paper) -
Starbird, Kate, Palen, Leysia, Hughes, Amanda, and Vieweg, Sarah. (2010). Chatter on The Red: What Hazards Threat Reveals about the Social Life of Microblogged Information
Proceedings of the ACM 2010 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
. (CSCW 2010) (conference paper) -
Stieger, S., and Burger, C.. (2009). Let’s go formative: Continuous student ratings with Web 2.0 application Twitter.
CyberPsychology & Behavior
. (journal article) -
Sutton, J., Palen, Leysia, and Shlovski, Irina. (2008). Back-Channels on the Front Lines: Emerging Use of Social Media in the 2007 Southern California Wildfires
Proceedings of the 2008 ISCRAM Conference
.Washington, D.C. (journal article) -
Wagner, Claudia, and Strohmaier, Markus. (2010). The Wisdom in Tweetonomies: Acquiring Latent Conceptual Structures
Semantic Search Workshop at WWW2010
. (conference paper) -
Weisbuch, Max, Ivcevic, Zorana, and Ambady, Nalini. (2009). On
being liked on the web and in the ‘real world’: Consistency in first
impressions across personal webpages and spontaneous behavior
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
, 45 (3), 573 – 576. (journal article) -
Yardi, Sarita, and boyd, danah. (2010). Tweeting from the Town Square: Measuring Geographic Local Networks
Proceedings of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
.Washington, DC (conference paper) -
Yardi, Sarita, and boyd, danah. (2010). Dynamic Debates: An Analysis of Group Polarization over Time on Twitter.
Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society
, 30 (5). (journal article) -
Yardi, Sarita, Romero, Daniel, Schoenebeck, Grant, and boyd, danah. (2010). Detecting spam in a Twitter network
First Monday
, 15(1-4). (journal article) -
Zhao, Dejin, and Rosson, Mary Beth. (2009). How and why people Twitter: the role that micro-blogging plays in informal communication at work.
(conference paper)
是由哈佛大学伯克曼互联网与社会研究中心Danah Boyd博士