最近,我在断断续续地阅读一本电子书,这本书的名字叫做 How the World Changed the Social Media。它是英国UCL的 Daniel Miller教授和他的团队成员,在开展了长达15个月的现场研究之后的成果,这些成果后来在 FutureLearn平台上开设了一门名叫 Why We Post 的慕课课程。而这本书, How the World Changed the Social Media 则是他们团队推出的与这门慕课配套的一套著作中的第一本著作。
我们还是回到这本著作本身。这是一本有关社会性媒体 (Social Media) 的 人类学著作。我不是人类学工作者,但是我对新媒体和社会性媒体感兴趣,我有趣关注 新媒体或社会性媒体的教育应用。于是,在旅途中,我照例开启了在万米高空的阅读之旅,边读边思考,边笔记。在这本断断续续阅读了很久的著作中,有许许多多的地方给我灵感、启发和思考。
In several of our field sites we show that low-income families often see social media activity as a useful skill, enhancing literacy and providing a route to alternative, informal channels of education. By contrast higher-income families see it more as a threat to formal education. However, we have also researched in field sites where the opposite would be true. (p xxi)
我的思考:在中国不同的家庭环境和氛围(城市、乡村、或进一步细分社群)中,不同家庭背景(父母的受教育程度、职业),对于中小学生子女使用手机的态度和看法会有什么不同? 毕竟,家长的态度和立场对于学生使用手机之类的移动设备、以及开展所谓的电子书包和一对一数字化学习,具有重要的影响。这是一个值得深入下去的点。
在第五章 Education and Young People这一章,理论上说是要讨论新媒体对学校教育和青少年成长会产生什么影响,尤其是从人类学的视角,基于不同的文化和社群考察这个问题。
There are those believe that social media is destroying the educational system and will lead to a dramatic fall in grades, which can only be solved by banning access to phones and other information and communication technologies(ICTs). Others see social media as potentially re-energising the experience of education and believe that, by forcing formal education to embrace new forms of informal and interactive learning, the use of such technologies will inevitably benefit all concerned.(PP70)
This chapter also pays more attention to how social media is reshaping the key relationships that education encompasses: those of student-student, teacher-student and teacher-parent. Examining each of these relationships reveals key themes shaped by social media-specially intimacy and conflict; surveillance and engagement; and mediating understandings of duty respectively. All of these highlight the important social dimensions of learning, which are increasingly being conducted through online spaces.(P70)