
             加拿大一名音乐人为表达对美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)弄坏私人物品的不满,创作歌曲《联航损坏了吉他》(United breaks guitar)并上传至互联网。短短几天内,这段歌唱视频的点击率超过60万次,它产生的巨大社会影响力让航空公司不得不低头认错!

             戴夫.卡罗尔(Dave Carroll是“马克斯韦尔之子”乐队吉他手。2008年3月,他和乐队成员乘坐联合航空公司航班从加拿大哈利法克斯前往美国内布拉斯加州。在美国芝加哥奥黑尔国际机场转机时,他亲眼目睹了演出器材被行李员像“扔链球”一样装卸、导致损坏的过程。









             I flew United Airlines On my way to Nebraska

             The plane departed Halifax Connecting in Chicago’s O’Hare.

              While on the ground the passenger Said from the seat behind me,
“My God, they’re throwing guitars out there!”

              The Band and I exchanged a look

             Best described as terror, At the action on the tarmac

             And knowing whose projectiles These would be.

              So before I left Chicago, I alerted three employees, Who showed
complete indifference towards me.

             United, United, You broke my Taylor Guitar.

             United, United, Some big help you are.

              You broke it, you should fix it.

             You’re liable, just admit it.

             I should have flown with someone else Or gone by car,

             Cuz United Breaks Guitars.

             When we landed in Nebraska, I confirmed what I’d suspected:

             My Taylor’d been the victim Of a vicious act of malice at

             And so began a year-long saga Of pass the buck, “Don’t ask

             And “I’m sorry sir, your claim can go nowhere.”

              So to all the Airline’s people From New York to New Delhi,

             Including kind Miss Irlweg

             Who says the final word from them is “No.”

             I’ve heard all your excuses And I’ve chased your wild

             And this attitude of yours I say must go.

             United, United, You broke my Taylor Guitar.

             United, United, Some big help you are.

             You broke it, you should fix it.

             You’re liable, just admit it.

             I should have flown with someone else Or gone by car,

             Cuz United Breaks Guitars.


             Well I won’t say that I’ll never fly With you again cuz maybe To
save the world I probably would

             But that won’t likely happen.

             And if it did, I wouldn’t bring my luggage,

             Cuz you’d just got and break it Into a thousand pieces

             Just like you broke my heart.

             When United breaks guitars.

             United, United, You broke my Taylor Guitar.

             United, United, Some big help you are.

             You broke it, you should fix it.

             You’re liable, just admit it.

             I should have flown with someone else Or gone by car,

             Cuz United Breaks Guitars.

             Yeah, United breaks guitars.

             Yeah, United breaks guitars.

3 评论

  1. 很有创意!说出了我们的心声!想起十二年前,我的行李也是被美联航弄丢了,在一位律师朋友的帮助下,1个月后得到了120美金;2个月后,美国西北航空把行李帮我送了过来;4个月后美联航寄给我500美金支票。不过当时带队的领导一定要我把钱寄回去,因为行李已由别家公司送来。此举动让我那美国律师朋友非常不理解(他花了很大力气,而且人家的律师费很贵的?他还没收我钱。是不是有些愚蠢?那是1997年,思想僵化。)。我也不知如何解释。不过从此对美联航没有什么好感。
