
费里克斯.杰克米多(Felix Jacomino)是美国佛罗里达椰树林(Coconut Grove)圣斯蒂芬主教走读学校(St. Stephen’s Episcopal Day School)的技术总监。圣斯蒂芬主教走读学校是一所在一到五年级都实施一对一 iPad教学的学校。作为一所最早启动和积极实施移动学习行动计划的学校,圣斯蒂芬主教走读学校在整个教育技术学领域备受瞩目。

在圣斯蒂芬主教走读学校,费里克斯不仅是信息技术主管,而且是教育技术专家。他所受的教育和资历使他能够把教育教学与信息技术有机地整合在一起。在教育方面,基于项目的学习(PBL)和共同核心标准(Common Core Standards)是费里克斯目前最感兴趣的东西,而同时,对Google App、Aerohive 基于控制器的无线网络,他又异常痴迷。



费里克斯.杰克米多(Felix Jacomino)


费里克斯.杰克米多自己的网站上,他发布了自己的一个演讲,名字叫做《学习移动学习》(Learning Mobile Learning),好像是他在AZ, Tucson召开的“2013年移动学习经验大会”(Mobile Learning Experience 2013)上的演讲。以下是从其网站上复制来的演讲内容。




5 years ago, our small school wanted to make sure itsstudents’ learning was unparalleled.That meant doing research. Research led us to“integrating technology in the classroom” which werewords I had read hundreds of times.Old news to me.



I loved my iPhone (who doesn’t?) and I knew what apowerful device it can be. When the iPod touch was amobile device option for a fraction of the price of alaptop, we looked at our students’ needs and asked if the iPods would meet the requirements of what wewanted to accomplish.



We went with several sets that would be shared androtated amongst all classes.It was a great start. But after some time and moreresearch, true 1:1 was the obvious choice. And thatcomes with its own set of challanges butI won’t take this opportunity to use profanity here like,“iOS device management!”




I have an awesome boss! One who cares deeply abouteach student’s learning experience. She called me in toask how I felt we could go to the next level. Really makea difference while being responsible and appropriate forthese kids’ learning styles.



Luckily, I had the opportunity to grow my department.So, I pulled in the best, most enthusiastic teacher I knew(named ‘Teacher of the Future’ by the NationalAssociation of Independent Schools this year, andamongst us today, Inge Wassmann)



The next time in my school head’s office, the questioncame again, how can we stand apart from all otherschools? Specifically, in using technology to enhanceauthentic learning. Inge and I looked at each other and inunison, said, Tony Vincent!



Tony has been to St. Stephen’s many, many times and isconsidered honorary faculty there. Students call out, “Hi, Mr.Vincent!” when he’s on campus.His first visit was the inspiration it took for us to go 1:1 withiPads.But what, exactly, did he do for us?



He focused on learning.Mobile, Authentic, Collaborative, & Project BasedLearning, just to name a few.He focused on students. On teaching. On curriculum. Onauthentic engagement. Voice and choice.So did we. Because our teachers too, love teaching and learning.



Here’s something else we learned… All thatawesomeness does not continue to happen all by itself.There’s GOT to be ongoing support, ongoing training,ongoing professional development and it must be goodQUALITY and it MUST focus on LEARNING!




An endless and rich source for more of this new found “good stuff” was Twitter! We were sharing hashtags,handles, tweets, links, stories, succeses and so muchmore.Some who never imagined themselves on this medium found excitement in this new form of professional development!



We are extremely fortunate to have a great team of 3full-time technology innovators whose sole job it is tosupport and co-plan with our teachers. Obviously, thesepositions come at a cost so when looking at a budget,never underestimate the value of this position whichprovides daily PD for the teachers.



Authentically engaged students inspire teachers.Inspired teachers authentically engage students.



We learned to be more globally aware. And, as we paid more attention to the outside world, it so happened that the outside world was paying attention to us!It has been exciting to connect with many educators and students from around the world.



A word of caution… Beware of well-meaning teachers who falsely believe they are “21st century” just because they are using technology! There are also those who say,“Oh, I’ve been doing project based learning for yeeears!”but what they have really been doing is project ORIENTED learning. Educate them.


To my fellow IT comrades, as well as business officers,and other financial decision makers,none of the magic can happen if the technology doesn’twork! Figure out how much bandwidth you can afford,and then get more! Look for what can be trimmed. Forus, we ditched Exchange and are thrilled with Googlemail and the rest of Apps!



Keep learning! In my experience, there is little, if any,correlation between someone’s age and her ability toengage in amazing mobile learning projects. Look nofurther than some of the most influential EdTechbloggers for proof of that. So, be sure to stay fresh, getexcited, and keep learning.



Know when to put the device aside and get your hands inthe dirt. After all, what app can replace your sense of touch and tell you when the soil’s moisture is just right?If someone who’s never peeled a banana asks you to doso, would you start looking for an app or a banana?



5 years ago, our small school wanted to make sure itsstudents’ learning was unparalleled.I believe I can say that is true today.However, I also know that standing still when you believeyou have arrived means you will be surpassed by thenext guy.



So what does one do when there is so much excitementin one institution, to the point it feels you’re about toEXPLODE at the seams??? We’ve decided to host our ownmobile learning event on our campus in November of next year. The objective? To….



Share! Share what has worked. Share what hasn’t. Weexpect our students to learn from failure, let’s be surewe do the same! Share locally – in school, share globallythrough twitter & blogs.


下载费里克斯.杰克米多演讲的PDF文件,请右键另存为这里: Download Felix_Jacomino_-_Ignite_-_mobile2013.pdf


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