

慕课研究计划(MOOC Research Initiative,MRI) 是由比尔盖茨与梅琳达基金会(the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)所资助的旨在探索大规模开放在线课程潜力,通过更加个性化、更加支付得起的路径来帮助人们接受高中后教育。该计划由加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学(Athabasca University)领导和管理。





以下为获得 MRI 资助的慕课研究课题:

1. The discursive construction of MOOCs as educational opportunity and educational threat: Neil Selwyn and Scott Bulfin

2. The Life Cycle of a Million MOOC Users: Laura Perna, Alan Ruby and Robert Boruch

3. Professional Learning through Massive Open Online Courses: Allison Littlejohn and Colin Milligan

4. Characteristics and completion rates of distributed and centralised MOOCs: Martin Weller and Katy Jordan

5. Conceptualising interaction and learning in MOOCs: Rebecca Eynon, Chris Davies, Nabeel Gillani and Taha Yasseri.

6.Peer Assessment and Academic Achievement in a Gateway MOOC: Mark Warschauer, Suhang Jiang, Adrienne Williams, Diane O’Dowd, Thurston Domina and Padhraic Smyth.

7. Investigating the benefits of embedding motivational messages in online exercises: Joseph Jay Williams, John Mitchell and Neil Heffernan

8. Social Network Formation and its Impact on Learning in MOOC-Eds: Shaun Kellogg, Kevin Oliver and Sherry Booth.

9. Enabling Resilient Massive Scale Open Online Learning Communities through Models of Social Emergence: Carolyn Rose

10. MOOCs Personalization for Various Learning Goals: Sergiy Nesterko and Svetlana Dotsenko

11. Secondary School Students and MOOC’s: A Comparison between Independent MOOC Participation and Blended Learning: Rosemary Evans, Dilip Soman, Laurie Harrison and Christopher Federico

12. The Relations Between MOOC Participants’ Motivational Profiles, Engagement Profile and Persistence: Bruno Poellhuber, Terry Anderson, Jacques Raynauld, Jean Talbot and Normand Roy

13. Understanding the Relationship MOOC Students Have with Traditional Institutions of Higher Education: Christopher Brooks, Stephanie Teasley and Steven Lonn.

14. Understanding Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as a Pathway to Employment for Low-Income Populations: Tawanna Dillahunt and Stephanie Teasley.

15. MOOC Learner Motivation and Course Completion Rates: Yuan Wang and Ryan Baker.

16. Learning Analytics for Smarter Psychological Interventions: Daniel Greene, Carol Dweck and John Mitchell

17. Beyond and Between “Traditional” MOOCs: Agile and Just-in-Time Learning: Jennifer Campbell, Alison Gibbs, Laurie Harrison and Stian Håklev

18. Writing to Learn and Learning to Write across the Disciplines: Peer-to-Peer Writing in Introductory-level MOOCs: Denise Comer and Dorian Canelas

19. Hatch, match, and dispatch: Examining the relationship between student intent, expectations, behaviours and outcomes in six Coursera MOOCs at the University of Toronto: Laurie Harrison, Carol Rolheiser, Stian Håklev and Chris Teplovs

20. UW System College Readiness Math MOOC Study: Robert Hoar

21. Mapping the Dynamics of Peer-to-Peer Interaction in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): Don Huesman

22. Promoting a Higher-Level Learning Experience: Investigating the Capabilities, Pedagogical Role, and Validity of Automated Essay Scoring in MOOCs: Erin Reilly, Stephanie Corliss, Cynthia Louden, Kyle Williams, Emily Cicchini, Donna Kidwell and Dawn Zimmaro

23. Developing data standards and technology enablers for MOOC Data Science: Kalyan Veeramachaneni and Una-May O’Reilly

24. Patterns of Persistence: What Engages Students in a Remedial English Writing MOOC?: John Whitmer, Eva Schiorring and Pat James

25. Detecting and Analyzing Subpopulations within Connectivist MOOCs: Martin Hawksey and Maren Deepwell

26. Finding and Developing Talent: The Role of Employers in the Future of MOOCs: Keith Whitfield, Alexandria Walton Radford and Vera Luck

27. MOOC instructional design principles: Ensuring quality across scale and diversity: Martha Cleveland-Innes, Derek Briton, Mike Gismondi and Cindy Ives

28. A crowdsourced MOOC: David Cormier and Piotr Mitros

另据 MRI网站透露,2013年12月5-6日,在美国阿灵顿的得克萨斯大学将举行大规模开放在线课程研究会议,也许算做是获得资助的28个项目的中期汇报会吧!不仅如此,此次会议将成为MOOC历史上最大规模的学术会议。



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