教育中的信息传播技术国际学术会议(International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, ICICTE) 是以希腊为根据地,以欧美学者为主要参与群体的重要学术活动。
ICICTE 2014将会于2014年7月3日-5日在希腊科斯岛(Kos, Greece)举行。这个科斯岛与土耳其接壤,是海神的宠儿,是西医发源地。2600年前,科斯人、西医之父希波克拉底在科斯推行药物治疗时,正是扁鹊即将在中原大地降生前夕。
Pedagogy in the evolving tech environment
The architecture of learning; accessibility; the evolution of the classroom
Instructional design and delivery; evaluation and assessment
Strategies and tools for teaching and learning, simulations and gaming
Informal, non formal and formal adult education
Multi-grade education
Open/Distance learning
Impacts on educational institutions: effects on faculty, staff, administration, and students; curriculum and Program development
Teacher training
Building communities of teachers/educators; cooperative learning
The internationalization of institutions and of education
Political economy and educational technology: Intersections
Effects on training institutions and industry
Intellectual property
Ethical considerations in the use of information technology in teaching and learning
The use of technology in education to promote democratic ideals, freedom, equality.
2014年02月21日:征文截稿(Deadline for paper proposals)
2014年02月28日:科学委员会会通知论文是否入选(Notification from Scientific Committee about whether proposal has been accepted)
2014年03月28日:论文第一稿截稿日期(Deadline for first draft of papers),
张贴展板截稿日期(Deadline for poster sessions proposals),
研讨会截稿日期(Deadline for workshop sessions proposals)
2014年04月11日:审稿员反馈评审意见(Deadline for referees’ comments)
2014年04月30日:论文终稿截稿日期(Deadline for final version of papers),
宾馆住房预订截止日(Deadline for room reservations at the conference venue via the conference),
提早注册截止日期(Deadline for early registration)
2014年07月 3-5日:会议进行