昨天,自留地跟诸位喷油分享了Daniel Edwards老师在自己博客上发表的《一个iPad学生的一天》。这里继续分享他的另外一篇博客文章《一个iPad教师的一天》。透过这两篇文章,相信我们不仅可以管窥国外学校生活的状况,而且也可以对iPad进入教室之后,教师和学生的行为方式会发生哪些变化产生一个清晰地认识。
6.30 am: Woken by the dulcet tones of Lana Del Rey and a new ‘Wake up Light‘. Contemplate staying in bed then notice the email icon flashing with a number of new messages – check twitter.
7.00 am: Access news app whilst devouring breakfast. Apologise for spraying coffee during reaction to latest education announcement. Carefully wipe iPad screen and check all is in working order by scrolling twitter timeline.
7.20 am: Plug iPad into car stereo and load ‘Driving’ playlist. Remember not to play air drums as last nights altercation with a kerb was too close for comfort.
8.00 am: Deal with overflowing inbox on iPad whilst waiting for school computer to load. Share amusing photo with colleague that is doing ‘the rounds’ on twitter. Feel thankful todays lesson presentations and resources are accessed on iPad via Dropbox as school network is down.
8.25 am: Contemplate handing in resignation as only free period of the day has become a history cover with year 10. Decide against quitting after discovering appropriate work has been set and history teacher is on a school trip not skiving to write reports.
8.45 am: Take staff briefing notes on iPad and share with form group on Edmodo before walking to classroom. Complete registration on iPad and discuss the u14 football victory last night. Enjoy presentation by school council member made with Keynote and iMovie.
9.10 am: Lesson one with year 7 and they are all excited to share their completed projects. Regret allowing them to use any app they wanted as assessment point looms. Group complete a mind-mapping exercise whilst projects are checked and uploaded to class Dropbox account. Students share mind-map with class via Appletv and each group discuss their findings. Extended writing task is completed with detailed mind-map as a resource.
10.10 am: Lesson two starts with a mild panic as projector isn’t working. Student suggests uploading presentation to Dropbox so everyone can access it on their iPads. Feel thankful for the ‘work around’ and award commendation to student. Secretly wish more attention had been paid during that iPad training session on workflow. Concern over the lesson objectives is relieved by a Socrative quiz to check progress. Report is downloaded and sent to email to dissect later but initial answers appear correct. Development task is completed in ‘Pages‘ and uploaded to Edmodo for assessment.
11.10 am: Break-time and the slow walk around the playground begins. Twitter conversation is instigated with ’virtual friend’ about the alarming changes to exams announced this morning. Thankful to colleague who brings out cup of coffee. Shake head when he mocks being on twitter again.
11.30 am: The dreaded cover period is made easier by the history students engaging in research on their iPads. Remember that the software that blocks inappropriate apps on the wireless network will stop them playing games. Still walk around room to check the research is relevant. Mark assessments on iPad using the annotation tool in Edmodo and send back to students for correction. Nostalgically reflect when assessment was a two week process with a single lesson per week.
12.30 pm: Lesson four begins with a pre-recorded Explain Everything slide. The idea is that students will work together to discover the answer to the problem. Share different slides with improving students via Edmodo and encourage them to listen to the hints and tips. Annotate one groups work with the Airpresenter app and display to the group. Stand back and realise how much energy is in the room and check to see if all students are on task. Ask class to complete Socrative exit ticket to show head of department later.
1.30 pm: Lunch-time and after a quick sandwich join the badminton club. Happy to help the PE department as it allows for some exercise during the day. Feel a little sheepish when a student analyses your jump smash with an app on his iPad. Somehow he has managed to illustrate five different faults but accept his ‘experimenting for A level moderation’ excuse.
2.30 pm: Lesson 5 and the inevitable post-lunch malaise is alleviated by a learning challenge. Using any app (why do it!) students are required to teach the lesson objectives to a ‘virtual alien’. The best two will be shown at the end via Appletv and receive commendations. Headteacher walks in just as one group complete their ‘stop-motion‘ animation. The smile and nod has the feeling of ambiguity but hopefully errs on the positive side. After receiving numerous commendations the students are disappointed to learn homework is an extended writing piece. They are sated by a reminder about the examination process and the need to complete writing tasks.
4.00 pm: With double strength coffee in hand, set about annotating syllabus sheets for sixth form using Goodreader app for iPad. Upload sheets to Dropbox and inform group, via department twitter, that they are available. Mark assessment papers for year 11 and promise to ‘unleash hell’ if tomorrow’s free period is taken away. Check personal twitter.
5.45 pm: Drive home with second half of ‘Driving’ playlist passing the time. Ignore the ‘ping’ of new notifications on the iPad thinking they can wait till tomorrow.
6.30 pm: Stay in car and check twitter.
7.15 pm: Discuss days events over dinner and promise to show how the twitter world has been up in arms about the government announcement. Ignore the eye-rolling and suggest twitter is for everyone – do the washing up as penance.
8.30 pm: Watch favourite programme in the bath using TV Catchup application for iPad. It still feels that the bathroom has been upgraded now it has a ‘television’ in it.
10.00 pm: Reset alarm for a ten minute lie-in tomorrow. Check twitter one last time.
11.15 pm: Fall asleep.