Daniel Edwards 是一位具有多年教学经验的教师。最近一些年,他深深地感到自己需要尽快改变自己,以适应二十一世纪的学生和教学。为此,他专门开辟了一个博客(http://dedwards.me),整理自己的思路和心得。
2013年6月,他先后发表了两遍博客文章,一个题为《一个 iPad 教师的一天》(A Day in the Life of an iPad Teacher),一个题目为《一个iPad学生的一天》(A Day in the Life of an iPad Student)。
透过这两篇文章,我们大体上可以较为清晰而深刻地理解iPad 进入教室之后,会对教师和学生以及教学活动产生哪些影响。
7.00 am: Woken by fancy chime and skyscraper illumination on iPad. Switch off and go back to sleep.
7.15 am: Woken by beeping Angry Bird effect and grudgingly get up for school. Head down to breakfast to find Dad has somehow got hold of the iPad and is catching up on ‘that Piers Morgan and Lord Sugar arguing about grammar again’?
7.45 am: Mum waves goodbye as Dad brings iPad charger out ‘just in case the battery runs low’. It is charged overnight but Dad’s laptop is always running out of power. Strangely the iPad hasn’t run out at school yet.
7.55 am: Find seat on bus and use famous ‘inside PE shirt, inside bag’ technique to play Temple Run on iPad. Not allowed to take the iPad out on the bus but no-one has caught me at it.
8.25 am: Arrive at school and remind friends that the ‘iPad lost it’ excuse doesn’t work. Not sure how it does it but it remembers everything that is put into every app. Eat cookie satisfied that geography homework was completed a day early.
8.45 am: Registration and while we are answering our names the ‘iPad teacher‘ comes in to remind us about sharing folders in Dropbox and how to use the Edmodo conversation wall. It’s all very easy but he keeps telling us over and over again!
9.05 am: First lesson and we have to do a quiz straight away. We use the Socrative app and we answer five multiple choice questions and a short answer question with our name on. I could have told the teacher I knew all the answers but she wants to ‘keep the information on her iPad’. We put the iPads away and then have a discussion with prompt questions that are put on our desks. Every now and again we have to suggest the most important points for the board. The information helps as we get our iPads out again and complete an Explain Everything slide to show what we have learnt. I remember pictures better so I include three and record an audio sentence to help me later. They will be shared with the teacher later apparently, probably Dropbox.
10.05 am: Second lesson and the teacher tells us off for getting our iPads out. Put iPad back in bag and remember last time I got caught with it on my desk. The textbooks have our activities in and although it is heavy it is easy to read. One of my classmates is sent outside for trying to look up the meaning of a word on his iPad. It was so obvious I promise to show him the ‘inside PE shirt’ technique. Homework is relatively easy as we just have to complete classwork.
11.05 am: Break-time and whilst eating my lunch, I sneakily show my friend the iMovie trailer I made for French. I know he is jealous of the editing and promise I will show him how to fade the visuals – I won’t.
11.30 am: Third lesson and as usual we use loads of material. While we are completing our artistic impression we use the pictures/help sheet in our shared Dropbox folder to assist with our work. I use the ‘define’ option on the iPad as I don’t understand many of the terms although my teacher does help me. We are encouraged to take a number of photos of our work as we are going to put together a portfolio. There is so much going on I keep taking photos and video my friend explaining the last part of the lesson. The teacher encourages me as I struggled a couple of weeks ago. We are visited by a Senior teacher in the lesson and he asks me about my work. He laughs when I reply ‘I’ve got a lot going on but it will all work out’.
12.30 pm: Fourth lesson and we know not to get the iPads out. I’m always amazed how well the teacher can talk and how interesting his stories are. We take notes that we will revise from. There is a lot of stuff on the whiteboard but it is quite easy to copy from the slides. Hopefully I will do well in the test next week.
1.30 pm: Lunch and the usual wait in line to buy food having eaten everything at break-time. Thankfully, I have remembered to put the iPad in my locker as I observe my friend being told off for having it out at lunchtime. See my French teacher and tell them about my iMovie project – can’t wait till the lesson tomorrow. Join in tennis club for twenty minutes, so glad I had my kit. There is a senior boy doing a skills analysis activity on an iPad. I’m a little bit jealous as he annotates the video and compares his friend to an elite sportsman. Apparently the app is called Tennis Coach Plus HD!
2.30 pm: Last lesson and we know we will be using a lot of apps as it’s the ‘iPad teacher’. Yet again he is introducing something new as we open up Audioboo. I enjoy the notes we make in Notability, with internet photos, and the use of Wordfoto to illustrate key terms. Our homework is set on Edmodo and we will upload it by next week. I like that way of doing it as it is marked by the teacher electronically and I receive it before next lesson. Apparently he dictates his annotations using his iPad and it appears on my work. I don’t really understand how it works it but his feedback is much longer now.
3.30 pm: Hometime and I’m glad to get on the bus. I’m very thankful the iPad case is zipped up as I drop my bag when a bigger boy is causing trouble. The walk from the bus stop to home is a bit easier now as I have less books.
4.45 pm: After snack time I start to complete my homework. The Edmodo assignments are easy to access and there are notes to help us from the teacher. I upload the work, complete with pictures from the internet, and know I will receive my feedback next week. Whilst completing another assignment I ask my friends about a tricky technique on the Edmodo wall. Thankfully they know the answer and I change my Skitch annotation to suit. The final homework is in my exercise book and I know I have to hand it in next week. It normally gets marked before our next set of grades so it will count I think.
6.00 pm: Dinnertime and I am keen to tell my parents about my iMovie trailer. I hint that my French teacher is looking forward to seeing it and I should get an achievement point. At least I think that’s what she said! Try to explain Audioboo to Dad but I don’t think he understands. End up telling him I will be able to listen to my voice to help me revise. He seems happy.
7.15 pm: Overhear my parents having a ‘discussion’ about the fact that something is not a toy and should be used to help ‘our son’. If it’s ‘Angry Birds’ that I showed Dad last week then I wish I hadn’t shown him. In fact, come to think of it, whenever I turn the iPad screen on the ‘Angry Birds’ music starts up.
9.00 pm: Bedtime and just remember to put the iPad on charge. Thought I had lost the charger and then remembered Dad had made me take it to school so it was in my bag. Can’t wait for period two French. The Appletv thing lets me show my iMovie to the whole class.
(Disclaimer – Author is the teacher of period 2)