原文作者系Keri Facer英国Futurelab研究主任,这篇序言是其为一篇题为《数字技术与教师的学习》综述文章撰写的序言。翻译与转载符合Futurelab版权规定,特此鸣谢!
In recent years we have seen a significant, and long overdue, shift in education from an emphasis on ‘teaching’ to an emphasis on ‘learning’. The focus of attention is now firmly on the learner, their needs, interests and aspirations, at the heart of the education system. This change in focus is to be welcomed as education is, of course, first and foremost about learners. And yet, in this shift are we in danger of losing sight of the people who are able to make this vision for education a reality-namely, the teachers who are asked to change their practices, shift their goals and develop new approaches to meet the needs of education in a changing world?
If we are interested in changing education, we need more than ever to be interested in teacher education, teacher knowledge and teacher learning. If we want to encourage different approaches to teaching and learning, and new relationships between pupils and teachers, we need to understand the ways in which teachers come to learn, adapt and make such new approaches a reality. If schools are to become ‘learning organisations’, with the confidence and capability to adapt to rather than be buffeted by change, we need to invest considerable time and attention to the question of how teachers as professionals can best manage their own learning and development throughout their professional lives.
If we are interested in changing education, we need more than ever to be interested in teacher education, teacher knowledge and teacher learning. If we want to encourage different approaches to teaching and learning, and new relationships between pupils and teachers, we need to understand the ways in which teachers come to learn, adapt and make such new approaches a reality. If schools are to become ‘learning organisations’, with the confidence and capability to adapt to rather than be buffeted by change, we need to invest considerable time and attention to the question of how teachers as professionals can best manage their own learning and development throughout their professional lives.
It is in response to these concerns that we have commissioned this review, in order to provide an overview of the research on teacher education, and to provide a roadmap for how this might best be supported in an age of digital technologies. Tellingly, for all the reams of research literature on children’s learning with digital technologies, there is comparatively little research on teachers’ learning with these new tools. This review focuses specifically on what we understand to constitute powerful learning environments for teachers, and maps onto this the potential affordances of digital technologies to enhance and expand these environments. In so doing, the review raises a number of possibilities for teachers to act as knowledge builders, as collaborators and as reflexive practitioners. It offers models for the use of digital technologies in both initial teacher education and in ongoing professional development. As such, it is intended to act as a stimulus for debate and a call to action for the creation of learning experiences for teachers that are as powerful, relevant and meaningful as those they are asked to create every day for their own students.
谢谢Yujiang,我立刻就改!另, 我们好久没见了!你最近在忙什么啊?!