1. Sencha创立于2007年,最初名为Ext JS,该公司开发了多款开源JavaScript产品,并且被百思买、Juniper Networks和时代华纳有线等企业采用。该公司表示,将利用刚刚获得的资金来拓展Sencha Touch等HTML5产品。Sencha Touch的目的是开发复杂的网络应用,使之兼容手机和触摸屏设备。使用Android和iOS操作系统的产品都属于这类设备。
2. AppMakr 成立于今天年初,非常适合输出博客的iPhone应用,可以帮助你轻松打造个性化iPhone应用。目前苹果应用商店里约有1%的应用都是通过AppMakr 开发的,数量大约为3000个。via(TCC)
3. Appinventor,Google出品,具体可以看一个朋友写的一篇评测,http://www.web20share.com/2010/08/google-app-inventor.html
4. JqueryMobile,为了让移动设备也能用上jQuery,jQuery开发团队发布了jQuery移动设备版开发项目jQuery Mobile Project(http://jquerymobile.com)。jQuery Mobile不仅会给主流移动平台带来jQuery核心库,而且会发布一个完整统一的jQuery移动UI框架。JqueryMobile能够迅速的帮你部署适合移动设备访问的网站。
5. 制作你自己的iPhone APP的13个工具http://readwrite.com/2009/11/02/13_tools_for_building_your_own_iphone_app
6. App Building Tools for Teachers and Students (iPad)
7. Codify: Coding for the iPad Made Simple (iPad)
8. MakeGamesWithUs – MakeGamesWithUs is a new iOS game publishing company with a twist: its focus is on helping high school and college students to build games. MakeGamesWithUs us will take the kids’ creations, provide professional graphics and art and publish them in the App Store. The kids will own the c
ode, and the company will own the graphics and take a cut of the sales.
9. Google App Inventor (news from New York Times :Google’s Do-It-Yourself App Creation Software) – App Inventor is simple to use, but also very powerful. Apps you build can even store data created by users in a database, so you can create a make-a-quiz app in which the teachers can save questions in a quiz for their students to answer.
10. APPs Builder http://www.apps-builder.com/en/home
11. Make Me Droid http://www.makemedroid.com/zh/
12. i Build App http://ibuildapp.com/ 据介绍5分钟你就能整出一个来,呵呵!
13. Apps Bar http://www.appsbar.com/
14. The App Builder http://www.theappbuilder.com/