A 强定量研究;
B 定量研究;
C 二者都有;
D 定性研究;
E 强定性研究;
A 强应用研究;
B 应用研究;
C 二者都有;
D 基础研究;
E 强基础研究;
A 非常高;
B 高;
C 中等/不一致;
D 低;
E 非常低;
4、 请用10等级评判的方法(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 0表示最低,即毫无价值;9表示最高,即非常有价值),对下列教育技术研究的价值发表你的看法:
A 评价研究 ( )
B 媒体比较研究 ( )
C Intra-Medium Studies ( )
D 态度-处理-交互研究 Aptitude Treatment Interaction Studies ( )
简单地说,In simple terms, a Positivist believes in "reality" – that there are universal and immutable laws – including "laws" of human behavior and learning – and that these laws can be uncovered over time through diligent, well-designed research. A Constructivist believes in "relativism" – that there is no universal reality – that "truth" is constructed on an individual or group basis and "reality" changes from place to place and time to time – therefore, the purpose of research is not to uncover "truths" but to seek out and try to understand different situations and viewpoints. (0 = Strongly Positivist 5 = Neutral 10 = Strongly Constructivist)
强客观主义(0)<———————————————–> 强 建构主义(9)
你的选项是: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9中的()。