2个小时前,Med kharbach 在www.educatorstechnology.com网站上发表了一篇题为《三个超级棒的备课工具》(3 EXCELLENT TOOLS TO EASILY CREATE LESSON PLANS)。对教师来说,这些工具可真是非常好的东西啊!
Lesson Plan,从教育学的角度来看,这可是教师教学过程中最重要的东西了。在教师日常工作中,有相当大一部分事都是围绕着这个东西展开的。如果能够借助信息技术,帮助教师提升备课的质量和效率,那可真是一件好事情啊。
1、 Planboard
This is a simple tool that is desgined specifically for teachers and educators to simplify their lesson planning. It provides several important services such as sharing calendars, printing off schedules, and re-usability of lesson plans. Planboard does not require any software installtion and is completely easy to use.
Core Planner is a great website that allows teachers to create lesson plans with Common Core Standards in mind. It also lets them write lesson plans, track the Common Core Standards usage for each lesson and set overall goals for each class.
This is another great tool for teachers . Plan Book Edu lets you easily create lesson plans and makes them available anywhere you go. You can attach files, Common Core Standards, print, export to Word or PDF, and share with colleagues.