



          这个活动名叫 Play Me I’m Yours (弹奏我吧,我是你的)的计划,该计划是艺术家卢克·杰拉姆(Luke Jerram)的点子。最初于2008年由英国伯明翰 Fierce Earth组织实施的。当时,放置在城市各处的15架钢琴,在三周时间里,有140000位途经的行人或用它演奏,或聆听他人的演奏。从那个时候开始,这个计划已经惠及世界各地五百万人,而且越来越多的城市也加入进来。

         这个点子是怎么来的,Luke Jerram 对媒体解释说:

         ‘The idea for Play Me, I’m Yours came from visiting my local launderette. I saw the same people there each weekend and yet no one talked to one another. I suddenly realised that within a city, there must be hundreds of these invisible communities, regularly spending time with one another in silence. Placing a piano into the space was my solution to this problem, acting as a catalyst for conversation and changing the dynamics of a space.’

          一个名为“为希望而歌”(Sing for Hope)的非盈利组织希望给更多的人提供一个弹奏钢琴的机会。它宣称会于6月21日至7月5日期间在纽约城的各处公共场所及地区放置60台钢琴,从而实现这个名为“弹奏我吧,我是你的”(Play Me I’m Yours)的计划。

          在 Street Piano 网站上(http://streetpianos.com),读者可以看到放置在世界各地的钢琴的位置。据说,2012年10月,将会有钢琴放置到中国杭州,届时会是怎样一种情形,很值得期待。

          有许多有趣的故事发生。下面2则是 Johnnie 从 Street Piano 网站上汲取的:

          Pianos inspire a marriage!

          Two journalists in Sydney were independently sent out to cover the story of the street pianos. Meeting for the first time at one of the pianos they have since got married! Another couple first met at Liverpool Street station in London, then fell in love. The piano was invited to their wedding a year later! This couple in NYC decided to get married by a street piano!

          A new star is found!

          Talented young pianist Paul Gbegbaje was one of the stars of the 2010 ‘Play Me, I’m Yours’ installation in London, wowing passers by with his incredible playing, including his own compositions.The City of London Festival were so impressed by his abilities that they donated him the street piano from Canary Wharf, as he didn’t have one of his own to play. Since then, Paul has gone on to star in the final’s of Britain’s Got Talent.  You can watch Paul performing on a Street Piano here and one year later in his audition for Britain’s Got Talent.


         Johnnie 灰常希望在留言中能听到您的声音!  

