在 Edudemic上,周三发表了Terry Heick 的一篇题为《8个国家在线教育世界领先》(8 Nations Leading the Way in Online Education)的文章。
其中,中国在这8个国家之列,这令Johnnie 童鞋非常好奇,于是就仔细读了起来。
Currently, China is home to almost 70 different online colleges, a number that will likely grow in the coming years in order to meet the high demand for online learning opportunities. China has a long history of distance education, beginning in the 1960s with courses that were delivered via radio and television, but the nation is fast becoming a leader in online education as well. While problems with internet access in rural areas and a proliferation of diploma mills have slowed progress being made in China, several major online education companies are seeing rapid growth, due largely to the increased demand for highly trained members of the global workforce coming from China. The online learning industry is expected to grow by leaps and bounds over the next few years, and with steady growth since 2006, it’s looking to meet all expectations.