Docstoc is the premier online destination to start and grow small businesses. It hosts the best quality and widest selection of professional documents (over 20 million) and resources including expert videos, articles and productivity tools to make every small business better. Docstoc is among the top 500 most visited websites (quantcast) and has over 25 million registered users. It offers a vast collection of free resources and provides a monthly membership which unlocks its widest selection of premium content. Docstoc also provides the technology to help facilitate the sharing and promotion of documents across the web and has popularized the use of embedding documents throughout the blogosphere and mainstream media (http://docstoc.com/embed-documents)
Docstoc, Inc., was founded by Jason Nazar (bio) and Alon Shwartz (bio) and launched to the in October 2007. The company is located in Santa Monica, CA.
对于使用和善用PPT的人来说,Slideshare.net 应该都是非常熟悉的。这里就不进行介绍了。
Empressr是这8 款应用中Johnnie最不熟悉的一个了。看了它的介绍, 上面说这是一款 “The rich media presentation tool”。”Empressr is the best and original browser based rich media presentation and storytelling tool.” 应该非常棒!
Located in New York City and San Francisco, the Empressr team is made up of people who are passionate about the web, creating stories, technology and life. Empressr was developed in response to what we saw as the limitations of existing presentation applications. If streaming video and Flash are more dynamic ways to present information, then wouldn’t individuals and businesses benefit from the ability to include them in presentations? So we developed a way for anyone to create rich media presentations without having to be a technology expert. The result is the first free online visual storytelling and presentation rich internet application that is so innovative and easy to use, we think it just might revolutionize the way presentations are created.
可以说是几乎与 Slideshare 齐名的一款应用。其首页广告是这样说的:
Presenting a Better Way:Create, collaborate and share stunning, media-rich presentations.
其首页上说, HelloSlide: Bring your slides to life.真正好的SLIDES,应该是鲜活的,生动的。这个应用的价值就在于它能通过给SLIDE配音,使其变得鲜活生动。不信你试试!
Simply type the speech for each slide, instead of recording it, and HelloSlide automagically generates the audio.
It gives more exposure to your presentations, making them searchable, editable, and available in 20 different languages.
在其网站,其自称:The best way to share PowerPoint presentations on the web.