一回来,就到了每年的答辩季,学生和导师们开始都忙乎学位论文的事情了,又看到学位论文的后记,这就想起来这次在瑞典几位朋友送给我的他们的论文,其中印象最深的是 Jimmy Jaldemark兄的博士学位论文。其中他所写的鸣谢给我留下了极为深刻的印象。这里就说说Jimmy和他论文的鸣谢。
第一次见到 Jimmy Jaldemark 兄是在希腊的会议上,那次只是打了招呼而已,没有细聊。这次瑞典访问,再次遇到了 Jimmy。在3月下旬的一天,正在办公室低头工作,Jimmy敲门进来,聊了几十分钟,印象极为深刻,第三天,他又送来了他新近发表的几篇论文。
Jimmy现在供职于瑞典中部大学(Mid-Sweden University),因为中途有了自己的孩子,休产假,停止了一两年,加上这段时间,他这个学位一共奋斗了差不多八九年。
Jimmy Jaldemark 博士
Jimmy在瑞典北部最大的城市 Umea的 Umea大学获得的博士学位,他的论文题目是《无疆界活动中的参与:瑞典高等教育中计算机居间的通讯》(Participation in a Boundless Activitiy: Computer-mediated Communication in Swedeish Higher Education)。
Writing a thesis is maybe like composing and performing music, it is sometimes a process of flow. At other times it is just hard work! As in any creative activity such as music, good research also includes important keynotes, strong themes, a clear structure and a solid performance! However, friends and colleagues who knows me well, also know that music is a source of inspiration for me. This inspiration starts with my wake-up call, a wonderful instrumental piece called “Golden dawn” (Malmsteen, 1992) performed on the classical Spanish guitar.
The sound of music is a constant feature in my office. Therefore, this thesis would not be the same without all the music that went through my ears during all these years of writing! Similarly, belonging to different communities is part of being a human being. During the years in these communities, I have met people that have made an impact on me and my writing. However, a few words from some great songs came to my mind when writing these pages of acknowledgement. These words are dedicated to these great people, without their influence this thesis wouldn’t be the same.
First of all I want to honour my supervisors by singing “thank you for the music, for giving it to me” (Andersson & UIvaeus, 1977). During the early years Jarl Backman, and later Agneta Hult and David Hamilton. All three of you have contributed to the development of my thinking. David, a special thanks for being the greatest of inspiring academic sources during these years; and for being important for my development ever since my courses at master’s level. Your academic capacity and your never-ending efforts to push me one step further were a gift from above to me. I wish you,Agneta and Jarl all the best.
During these years I have been part of an excellent community of doctoral students at Umeå University. Together we were learning to fly. You all know that “there’s no sensation to compare with this … can’t keep my eyes from the circling skies” (Gilmour, Moore, Ezrin, & Carin, 1987). Some of you have finished your thesis while a few of you still have a few steps left before entering the community of PhDs. Gun Berglund, Erika Björklund, Ann-Louise Bäcktorp, Inger Eliasson, Josef Fahlen, Karin Franzén, Ola J. Lindberg, Sandra Morén, Anders D. Olofsson, Kim Wickman, and Ulrika Widding, thank you.
Amongst these colleagues a special thanks goes to my co-writers Ola and Anders. Your brilliant brains definitely had an impact on my thinking. Unlike many other doctoral students we also belonged to a research group led by Jarl Backman. This group discussed questions related to learning and ICT in higher education. The discussions within that group also embraced important comments from senior researchers such as Jörgen From and Carina Holmgren.
Ove Jobring, three good reasons to say cheers to you; first you were my teacher in my final PhD-course where you introduced me to the world of communities. Second and third you were involved in the publication of both the first and second papers of this thesis. The first one appeared in your trilogy of online learning communities. The second paper is a result of an invitation from you and Roger Säljö to participate in the LearnIT-seminar “Online learning communities in context”. In that particular seminar, I also had the pleasure of discussing my work with world-class scholars in the field of online learning communities. Particularly important comments on my paper were given by my discussant Caroline Haythorntwaite. Later, you also provided me with a few references for my commentary text. Apart from the comments from the above mentioned scholars, I also enjoyed discussing my work with Urban Carlén, John Cuthell, Vivian Hodgson, Piet Kommers, Elsebeth Korsgaard Sörensen, and Christina Preston. A “toast to tomorrow and one to days long ago” (Blackmore & Night, 2008) to all of you. This toast also goes to: Mohamed Chaib, Stefan Hrastinski, Christina Keller, Karin Levinsen, Bernard Scott, and Ann-Katrin Svensson. I had the opportunity to discuss my work with you at conferences and workshops. I have particularly enjoyed the meeting of minds together with Stefan.
I am also grateful for the students and teachers (particularly Gunnel and Martin) who participated in my studies. Thanks for letting me get inside your world. Without your participation this thesis wouldn’t have been written.
A special thanks to Cecilia Hamilton at SAM-biblioteket, Härnösand. Such professional support from a librarian is invaluable for a doctoral student.
In the recent years I have had the opportunity to attend the meetings of the FOLI-network (Forskning Om Lärande och Interaktion). This network was a highly skilled network with scholars from different Swedish universities. Special thanks to Lisbeth Åberg-Bengtsson, Roger Säljö, and Per-Olof Wickman for letting me into this excellent network. At my first appearance I presented a rough draft of my commentary text. The task of commenting this draft was given to my discussants Torgny Ottosson and Patrik Lilja. They and other participants at that meeting, such as Anders Jakobsson and Johan Öhman, contributed invaluable comments that definitely improved my commentary text. Particular thanks go to Johan for his comments on Dewey.
Writing a thesis is also a matter of life and death. In line with the view of human action presented in this thesis, writing is inseparable from my life situation. During these years of study/research I have experienced the joy of becoming a father and also the sorrow of losing people who were close to me. These moments of life have been shared with some great people. Unfortunately, I can’t mention everyone! However, I must particularly mention a few of these angels: Sofia Eriksson-Bergström, Ann-Charlotte Eklund, Ulrika Ekvall, Gunnel Fredriksson, Mattias and Emilia Huss, Anders Lindqvist, Olle Nyberg, Jesper Ordell, Maria and Mikael Rasmusson, Maria Styf, Hans Wiklund. I saw “the hope in your eyes … where would I be without you” (Huff, Brignardello, & Vallance, 1992). When I needed it most you were there for me.
Finally, this thesis is dedicated to my family, particularly my angels Elina and Moa. Together we dance and sing along with Alfred, the farm-hand in ’Emil i Lönneberga’, “I’m just a poor farm-hand, but I’m living my life. The days roll by as I work away” (Lindgren & Riedel, 1971).
Härnösand summer 2009
焦老师好,很感谢老师的回复,我希望在blended learning这个领域里面写一篇关于线下和线上语言教育的论文,学习对象为成人。我接触过很多教育平台,moodle, claroline, chamilo, dokeos等等,现在我比较苦恼的是论文题目,所有希望通过书籍的阅读能得到一些启发,也希望老师能点拨一二。
1、建议你看看Second Life之类的虚拟世界;<br />
2、可以先扎根于成人语言学习领域,发现你的问题;<br />
3、查阅一些博士硕士学位论文,从中找到自己的灵感。<br />