

         Ideas, Connections and Extension(IEC)提出了一种博客文章及其评论分析的三层分类模型(Fostaty Young, 2005; Fostaty Young and Wilson,2000)。在这个模型中,Ideas是描述基础、事实或信息的分析过程中第一步。第二步涉及查找链接,弄清楚观点之间的关系。第三步,Extensions是内化观点和链接,从而在某种程度上帮助回答深层次的问题。其中,

        Ideas用基础(Fundamentals)、基本事实(Basic Facts)、词汇(Vocabulary)、界定(Definitions)、细节(Details)以及基本概念(Elemental Concepts)。

        Fostaty-Young and Wilson (2000) developed the ICE Rubric as a generalized assessment method for use across various types/ages of students, subjects, and levels of schooling, for all three purposes of assessment. Their method evolved in response to educators’ growing awareness that assessments of how much a student had learned were not the same as how well a student had grown in his or her understanding, and that students who knew many facts were not necessarily the ones who accomplished the best learning (Fostaty-Young & Wilson, 2000). 

        ICE places student learning on a continuum by describing the quality and depth of a student’s understanding (from superficial to deep) at different phases of development. Table 8 details the characteristics of learning for each of these phases.
