[2012-03-14] During March Dr. Jiao “Johnny” Jianli is visiting the Department of Education, Umeå University, and especially the research group Learning and ICT (LICT). Johnny is a Professor of Educational Technology and the Director of Future Education Research Centre at the South China Normal University in China. Johnny also holds a position as the Deputy Dean of School of Information Technology in Education at the same university. During his stay Johnny is holding seminars, visiting schools in the municipality of Umeå and together with colleagues in LICT he is conducting research in the field of teaching and learning with educational technologies. For example work has been done in order to publish a special issue in the scientific journal Education Inquiry. The issue will targeting “Digital technologies in K-12 schools in Sweden, China and Norway. A comparative and multi-dimensional perspective”. Johnny’s stay as a guest professor at the department of education is economical sponsored by the Swedish Research Council. On the picture you can see Johnny, Dr. Limin Gu and Associate professor, Dr. Anders D. Olofsson.