
​1984年,一个名叫 理查德·索·沃尔曼的人,发起了一个非营利性机构,旨在打通技术(Technology)、娱乐(Entertainment)和设计( Design)之间的壁垒,把全世界最聪慧的头脑聚集在一起,让那些“值得传播的创意”为全世界的人们所知晓。

这个非营利性机构以组织 TED大会著称,而会议上的演讲,就是著名的TED演讲,这些演讲激励着全世界无数的人们,也构成了广大一线教师最最重要的专业发展的资源。


1. Ken Robinson,《学校抹杀了创造性?》(Do schools kill creativity?)

2. Amy Cuddy,《你的体态语言塑造了你》(Your body language may shape who you are)

3. Simon Sinek,《伟大领袖是如何激励人们行动的?》(How great leaders inspire action?)

4. Brené Brown,《脆弱的力量》(The power of vulnerability)

5. Mary Roach,《关于性高潮你所不知道的10件事》(10 things you didn’t know about orgasm)

6. Julian Treasure,《怎么说话人们才肯听?》(How to speak so that people want to listen?)

7. Jill Bolte Taylor,《我的顿悟》(My stroke of insight)

8. Tony Robbins,《我们为什么要做我们所做的事?》(Why we do what we do)

9. James Veitch,《当你回复垃圾邮件的时候,发生了什么?》(This is what happens when you reply to spam email)

10. Cameron Russell,《外表并非一切,相信我,我是一个模特》( Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model)

11. Dan Pink,《动机的困惑》(The puzzle of motivation)

12. Susan Cain,《内向者的力量》(The power of introverts)

13. Pamela Meyer,《如何识别说谎者?》(How to spot a liar)

14. Robert Waldinger,《怎样才能过上美好的生活?有关幸福的长期研究的教训》(What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness)

15. Shawn Achor,《更好工作的幸福密码》(The happy secret to better work)

16. Pranav Mistry,《第六感科技的惊人潜力》(The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology)

17. David Blaine,《我是如何屏住呼吸17分钟的?》(How I held my breath for 17 minutes)

18. Apollo Robbins,《误导的艺术》(The art of misdirection)

19. Dan Gilbert,《关于幸福的令人惊奇的科学》(The surprising science of happiness)

20. Tim Urban,《在拖拉大师的心中》(Inside the mind of a master procrastinator)

21. Kelly McGonigal,《如何让压力成为你的好朋友》(How to make stress your friend)

22. David Gallo,《水下的惊喜》(Underwater astonishments)

23. Keith Barry,《大脑魔术》(Brain magic)

24. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie,《一个故事的危险性》(The danger of a single story)

25. Elizabeth Gilbert,《你的难以捉摸的创意天才!》(Your elusive creative genius)

